It seems there are daily reports suggesting that without a drastic change in how human beings live, the Earth won’t be habitable very far into the future. However, the widespread change we’re looking for doesn’t need to be implemented by the government. Turns out, the biggest advances in sustainability can be made by each of us in the way we live. Implementing these changes in our everyday life can make a big dent in the climate crisis. Keep reading to discover ways you can do your part by living more sustainably in 2020.
Photo: EmirMemedovski (Getty Images)
Start now: 8 Simple Climate Change-Friendly Shifts You Can Make Today
Man up: 7 Manly Ways to Fight Climate Change
In what ways do you incorporate green living habits into your daily life? Let us know how you keep things sustainable in the comments!
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Sustainability in 2020
Say Yes to Sustainability by Saying No to Paper Towels
The convenience of paper towels contributes to the destruction of 110 million trees and 130 billion gallons of water per year. By purchasing reusable cleaning cloths in bulk you can cut down or put an end to your use of paper towels.
Cut Down on Your Meat Consumption
Global livestock production creates more greenhouse gas than the entire transportation sector. Cutting down on this is easy. By consuming less meat each week, you're reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming.
Warm up Sustainably by Layering up in the Winter
CO2 emissions from using your heat in the winter contribute to the greenhouse effect. By reducing how much heat you use, you're helping to tone down your contribution to global warming. Instead, layer up by wearing long johns, an extra hoodie, a scarf, or double socks.
Cut Down on Toilet Paper by Installing a Bidet
Toilet paper is one of the least sustainable items you're using on a daily basis. This is because major brands are using less recycled paper than they did in 2011, resulting in more trees being cut down so you can wipe. Install an easy-to-use bidet, like the Lux Bidet Neo 120, so that you can put an end to how much paper you're wasting for good.
Bike, Walk, or Use Public Transportation Whenever Possible
Traveling sustainably can be kind of a nightmare in winter. However, as the weather lightens up and spring hits, enjoy the good weather by leaving your car at home.
Leave Your Reusable Bags in Your Car
Reusable shopping bags are awesome...if you remember to use them. Return them to your car after use so you never have to pay for plastic bags that will eventually go in the trash.
Eat Fresh by Shopping at the Farmers Market
When it comes to eating fresh produce, avoid the grocery store. Instead, shop at a local farmers market. Not only will you be putting your money back into your community, but you'll also be eating the freshest fruits and veggies and supporting sustainability.
Shop in Bulk
A trip to the grocery store can leave us with tons of unwanted plastic wrappers. Instead, shop in bulk and bring your own reusable containers or glass jars so that you can cut down on one-use plastic bags.
Say No to Fast Fashion
Say au revoir to the days when you'd dump money into brands like H&M and Forever 21. Instead, choose sustainability by shopping second-hand whenever possible. Look for better quality, name brand items. Not only will they last longer, but classic pieces never go out of style.
Spring for the Reusable Water Bottle
Fourteen percent of all litter comes from beverage containers. Fifty-seven percent of those beverage containers come in the form of plastic water bottles. When caps and labels are considered, the number's even higher. Instead of contributing to the plastic crisis, say no to one-use plastic water bottles by opting for a reusable water bottle.