
Booze-Giving: A Mandatory Holiday Guide to Gifting the Very Best Liquor Has to Offer

We are about to embark on the most saturated social time of the year. That’s because from Thanksgiving (and even before) to New Year’s Eve our schedules will be littered with soirees, parties, shindigs, social gatherings, and family functions. That’s enough social engagements to make an introvert (and even some extroverts) grab the closest bottle of booze and drink until January.

And while we’re no strangers to the art of boozing, we believe that blindly stumbling through the holidays in a drunk haze isn’t such a great idea. But, we’re all about social drinking. That’s why we came up with this handy dandy list of bottles of booze you should bring to social engagements and gift to your friends, family, and coworkers in the hope that they’ll be kind enough to pour you a glass or two.

Photo: Ivanko_Brnjakovic (Getty Images)

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