When it comes to applying to colleges, the most important aspect should be your education. Do they have your major? Is the university well respected? Is it far enough away from home to prevent your parents from visiting every weekend and ruining your good time? But, since you’ll reach the age of 21 while at school, you don’t want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with no good beer to drink. So before you commit to a college and fill out your financial aid paperwork, make sure there’s a great craft brewery or two within a reasonable distance to balance out all those Natty Lights and Beast Ices you’ll be downing. Check out these breweriesclose tocollege campuses and get some delicious, well-made craft beer in addition to a diploma.
There’s no way Kim Kardashian‘s tiniest thong and bralette set from SKIMS is enough to beat the chills, but they truly bring some “winter heat” to the…