A bunch of fed-up youths are suing five countries for violating their right to a future, reframing climate change as a human rights issue that could send industry lawyers into a tailspin. That’s how great the discord between people giving a shit and people not giving a shit has grown, and how terrified young people are at the prospect of inheriting a climate catastrophe from their grandparents. A 16-year-old Swedish girl, Greta Thunberg, is leading the charge, facing backlash from old white men, including President Donald Trump and Top Gear’s Jeremy Clarkson.
How the lawsuit will play out is unclear, but if science is any indication, one thing is certain: planet Earth is heading toward some devastating changes. In the past several years we’ve already caught a glimpse of increasingly volatile weather patterns and mass ocean life die-offs. But perhaps the only thing that can grab the attention of world leaders is a massive lawsuit. So while Thunberg and company do their part, we thought now would be as good a time as any to start doing ours. That’s why we’ve come up with this simple list of climate change-friendly shifts we can all (and should) make in our lives starting now. A cleaner, brighter future lies ahead.
Photo: We Are (Getty Images)
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8 climate solutions
Start Seeing Plastic
Plastic is everywhere, so much so that for a while it became invisible to the naked eye. It's time to start seeing it again and unfriend the fuck out of it. Straws, lids, utensils, packaging, baggies, et al. In the immortal words of Nancy Reagan, just say no.
Shop Local
Something happened in the '70s where chain stores began arriving in small towns all across America. Fifty years later, the same stores litter the interstate from San Diego to Boston. Luckily, more people are taking back ownership of their own spaces, making it easier to shop locally for almost everything you need. Not only does this stimulation of local economy create a stronger community, it cuts down on pollution from industrialization, marketing, and transportation of goods.
Cut Down on Meat
Big Oil has long been the biggest offender in carbon pollution, but the meat and dairy industries are now surpassing them. One pound of meat requires as much water as six months of showering yourself. Cutting back on your intake of these products (even once or twice a week) will pay huge environmental dividends, and free up the cows to follow their dreams of Broadway stardom.
Talk About It
Awkward conversations suck, but some are worth having. De-stigmatize the issue of climate abuse by talking about it with friends and family in a conversational way. Changing the culture around the subject and welcoming in a new dialogue can really flip the switch on how people view what's going on.
Use Reusables
Reusables are a simple, effective way to curb waste. Drag a tote to the grocery store, bring a mug to coffee shop. You could even scare people by bringing Tupperware when you eat out to put the leftovers in. The clock is ticking. It's time to get a little crazy with it.
Get Around Better
Hybrid vehicles have been around for 20 years now, so why are car companies still churning out gas guzzlers? Because we keep buying them. Send a message by supporting greener vehicles and adjust your lifestyle to include more old school ways of getting around, like walking, you sexy beast.
Go Vintage
Did you know that manufacturing of new clothes and goods is one of the top carbon polluters on the planet? Which is crazy since most of the stuff we could ever want already exists. Consider the impact a more vintage lifestyle can have on the planet.
Be the Change
So you're just one person and can't change the world, right? Think again. It's been proven that one kind act will lead to a dozen. The same goes for climate consciousness. Be the first domino in your crew to rethink your part in the fight for environmental protection and we guarantee the ripple effect will astound you.