We’ve all been there, that point in a relationship where you have to get real or get packing. Growing up in a relationship means growing together and you can’t do that without an open line of communication. Even though opening up and bearing your heart can feel like you’re totally out of your depth, it can really save a relationship headed for splitsville. If you’re looking to patch things up and evolve your relationship, here are eight ways extremely honest communication can make that happen.
Photo: annebaek (Getty Images)
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In what ways has working on your communication skills helped your relationships, especially your intimate ones? Let us know in the comments!
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relationship saving talk
You'll Grow Together
Speaking clearly about not only your fears but your concerns can help your partner see where you're coming from. In turn, they can share their fears and assure you that yours are unfounded. In doing this, you end up growing together.
They Get To Really See You
Honesty bonds people. When you offer your partner a chance to see who you are and what you really feel (even if doing so seems scary at first), they'll feel closer to you.
You'll Let Shit Go
Once you state how you feel, it's more than likely the feeling will go away, especially if your partner assures you that they care and want things to work. In the end, you'll forget the reason why you were upset because doing the work helped you grow.
You Can Stop Feeling Trapped By Your Feelings
If you're feeling weird, agitated, or anxious about your relationship, bringing it up is an easy way to put an end to it. It also gives your significant other a chance to share how they feel so you can both get on the same page.
Nothing Can Save A Relationship Like Talking
A brilliant person once said that the silent treatment is the lowest form of dealing with something. That's because it's choosing not to deal and is one step away from a grown-up tantrum. In expressing yourself, you give the relationship a chance. Without using your words, things cannot progress or improve.
Listening Is Key
Sharing is important, but more than that, it's an opportunity to listen to your partner. Deeper relationships start with doing the work to understand where you're both coming from so you can move in the same direction.
What You Learn Can Save Future Relationships
Everything we learn in our relationships is a tool we can use moving forward in our lives. By moving past your fear to openly and honestly talk about things, you're providing future you with the tools to have better relationships.
You Can Win Them Back
Putting everything on the line by being vulnerable means showing your partner you care. Not only that, it gives them perspective on what you're going through, so you can deepen your connection. Honesty is attractive. By telling the truth, you may make your significant other realize what they'd lose if you weren't in their life.