Anxiety can sometimes feel like the world is going to shit. It’s like a little cloud of impending doom looms above you and tags along like the little brother you never wanted. When you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, there are a lot of things you can do to snap yourself out of that mindset. These are some foolproof tips to force you out of your sense of existential dread and into your comfort zone.
Photo: JGI/Tom Grill (Getty Images)
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When you’re bogged down by anxiety what do you do? Have you tried any of our methods? Let us know in the comments!
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Managing Anxiety
Self Care
Fill a tub. Smoke a joint. Get a massage. Take yourself out for ice cream. Be kind to yourself when you're feeling uncertain and know that the negative feeling will pass.
Freak Out
Sometimes you just need to scream and shout and get it the fuck out. Just don't do it at anyone.
Press Pause
Pretend your mind is an old VHS player and each time you start down the dark path of anxiety, press pause. Take a deep breath and remember that you'll be dead someday and none of this will have mattered.
Communicate How You're Feeling
Sometimes easing anxiety is as simple as expressing how you feel. Try it and see if you're immediately relaxed.
Get Off
Sex. Coitus. Jerking off. Whatever you call it, achieving an orgasm is the fastest way to clear your mind and let go of your worries.
Accept Failure
You cannot succeed without failing. It's essential to the process. Just don't lean in so far your entire life becomes a fail.
Break Shit
Don't destroy your life or scare anyone. But if you're having a moment and don't know what to do, break a glass or bash something with a hammer. You deserve to feel powerful and alive.
Deal With Your Issues
If you deal with your issues as they arise, you can't obsess about the past or worry about the future. You simply control what you can, which is the here and now. So live in it.