Now that summer is officially here and temperatures are rising off the charts, staying cool is priority number one. And what better way to stay cool (both physically and socially) than by taking your favorite pair of winter jeans and whittling them down to a sexy shroud of summer-ready jorts?
To celebrate this perennial fashion mistake that never seems to go out of style, we bring you the ultimate mood board of jorts (and jorts-related) GIFs to inspire your summer wardrobe. So next time you look in the mirror before heading off to that party, but just aren’t convinced that jorts is the right call, remember this: wearing jorts doubles your fun even if your friends and family (and random people on the street) totally disagree. Only you know what’s in your heart. So suit up party people and let the unadulterated fun begin.
Photo: Stanton j Stephens (Getty Images)
Tone your jorts bod: Cannabis Fit: 4 Ways Weed Is Helping Your Workout
Beat the heat: Here Are Your Summer Style Needs
jorts out
jorts out #1
Warning: Jorts sometimes make you act a little crazy.
jorts out #2
Jorts are great for sports.
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Dirty jorts keep you out of the corner.
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Mega jorts.
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Nice pairing of jorts and a heeled boot. This man is a star.
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This dog has fully embraced jorts life.
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This dog has not. Your loss, dude.
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Remember, angels watch over those in jorts.
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So flexible in jorts, probably time to start wearing them to hot yoga.
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Classic throwback jorts vibe shows just how great jorts can be.
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No jorts shame here, only love.
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Find your nearest jorts-loving community for a summer of endless fun.
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Notice how the jorts really make her go for it.
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Jorts fail. Can't win 'em all.
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Sexiness levels on fire...thanks to jorts.
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Phi Beta Jorta, we salute your jorts game.
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Slim cut, faded jorts will make you feel like Superman.
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Use the freedom your jorts give you to outrun your opponents.
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How to make your own jorts at home. Follow the guide above and enjoy what will surely be deemed, the Summer of Jorts.