Photo: BraunS (Getty Images)
One of the big bummers of adulthood is that we don’t have time to play board games very often. Dedicating an entire Saturday to epic games like Monopoly or Life just isn’t feasible anymore. We have things to do and bills to pay. But, if we manage to find a few moments in between watching Netflix and preparing our morning avocado toast, we should all take some time to play a board game.
Play on: These Games Don’t Require Booze To Play But Are A Lot More Fun With It
If you’re anything like us, you probably had a favorite board game when you were a child. Take it out storage, grab it from your parent’s house, or buy it online, invite some friends over and play. Plus, since you’re an adult you can drink while you slowly move those memory-inducing pieces around the board. And we all know booze makes everything more fun.
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nostalgic board games
Let’s be honest, this game might be called Battleship, but it’s as boring as tugboat. All you’re doing is randomly calling out spots on the board in hopes of hearing that you’ve hit (and eventually sunk) your opponents ships. Add in drinking and you won’t even care if you sink their aircraft carrier.
Photo: Monkey Business Images (Getty Images)
Before you play Clue, watch the movie of the same name. Then grab your favorite alcoholic beverages and prepare to figure out who dunnit (it was definitely Colonel Mustard. He’s no good).
Photo: Parker Brothers
There’s a reason some bars and breweries have giant versions of Jenga. This game of wooden blocks stacked on top of each other is more fun with a beer in hand. This is especially true because if you play it by the rules, you can only use one hand to remove a block from the tower.
Photo: A. Aleksandravicius (Getty Images)
A game of Monopoly is always a great idea in theory. But, as the game progresses and you find yourself with very little cash and only Mediterranean, Baltic, and one railroad, you’re going to want to pour yourself a glass of beer or wine anyway.
Photo: Lynne Cameron - PA Images (Getty Images)
Even if you’re stone sober, can anyone really play Operation well? It seems like you need at least eight years of medical training to remove any of the vital organs. In that case, what could a few beers hurt? Maybe play it like a drinking game and take a sip every time you hit the sides and the alarm goes off.
Photo: Milton Bradley
Twister without alcohol seems like a fairly strange choice for an adult social gathering. Add in some shots, cocktails, or a few glasses or merlot and you’ve got the makings of a much more exciting (and literally tipsy) game.
Photo: Tony Hopewell (Getty Images)