Photo: martin-dm (Getty Images)
Drinking alone is never advised, which is why Drink Wine With Your Cat Week is the perfect excuse to cozy up with your favorite feline and say cheers. Although it might not seem like Fluffy needs a glass of Pinot to wind down after a long day of doing nothing, she’s probably jonesing for a glass. While you might not know if he prefers a good Meowsling or is more of a rosé-all-day cat. You can set them up for drinking success with these no-fail drinking tips even your four-legged friend will appreciate.
Wine o’clock: 8 Organic Wines To Drink With Your Cat
RIP: Science Says Your Cat Wants You Dead
Have you been drinking with your feline friend prior to this week? Or will you be finally making a toast with your cat for the first time? Let us know in the comments!
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Drink Wine With Your Cat Week
Beware of Unfamiliar or Unattended Drinks
Cats obviously cannot drink human grade alcohol. Pet wine is a fun option for them that's not going to endanger their health. That said, teach Simba that the only good drink is one that's never been left unattended.
Photo: Jay P. Morgan (Getty Images)
Even Cats Need to Learn Their Limit
When you and Felix get to your third glasses of wine and he becomes irate or abusive, it might be time to talk about their drinking limit. Behavior changes due to extreme intoxication may be a sign of troubled drinking and worth exploring with your favorite little buddy. Although they might not have a problem right meow, they certainly could down the line.
Photo: Zelma Brezinska / EyeEm (Getty Images)
Stay Hydrated
Just like you should pace your own drinking with a glass of water in between drinks, so should little Buffy. Space out drinks so that they don't get too drunk, too fast and make an ass of themselves in mixed company.
Photo: Raul Garcia Herrera / EyeEm (Getty Images)
Teach Them to Stand Up to Peer Pressure
Once young Indy knows his limit, it's a good idea to talk with him about drinking outside the home. Explain to him that it's never OK for anyone of any species to pressure him to drink more than he's comfortable with. If this does happen, tell him to get a Lyft home. Better safe than sorry.
Photo: Rasulovs (Getty Images)
Plan Ahead and Drink Responsibly
If you and Oscar are going to go to the next level, drinking-wise, it's best to plan ahead. There's nothing more terrifying than a drunk cat (or human) deciding halfway through a bar crawl that they want to leave. #drinkreponsibly
Photo: Joel Guay/Shodanphotos (Getty Images)