Photo: BURGER (Getty Images)
A pint-sized Japanese woman obsessed with being “tidy” has taken the world by storm. Marie Kondo, star of the hit Netflix series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo believes “tidiness” will fix your life. She’s also authored the book the show is based on, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Basically, if everywhere you turn there’s a disgusting mess, Marie’s your Uncle Sam…she wants you.
Marie believes that order can magically change people. Judging from the results of her show, she’s not wrong. According to her method, if what you seek is peace, you must first sift through everything you own to find it. Perhaps it’s a simple way for Americans to declutter and end their addiction to acquiring more stuff. Basically, it’s a guide to knowing what you can let go of so you can finally grow and here’s how to do it.
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In case you haven’t seen it, check out the trailer for Marie Kondo’s hit show and be inspired by what tidiness can do for you.
Are you inspired to change your life by changing your habits associated with being tidy? Do you think the KonMarie method could at least make it easier to locate the things you own? Let us know in the comments!
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Step 1: Pile Up All Your Clothes
Look. It sounds insane and feels even weirder, but take every piece of clothing you own and pile it up. Everything. Yes. Even that weird sweater in the back of the closet your dead Aunt Carol gave you. Then pick up each item and see if it sparks joy in you. Like, do you really love it or are you keeping it because dead Aunt Carol gave it to you and you feel guilty that you hated it? Keep only the things that truly spark joy. Everything else must go...just like Aunt Carol.
Photo: Michel Tripepi / EyeEm (Getty Images)
Step 2: Fold Your Clothes Using the KonMari Method
The KonMari method of folding works because it allows you to see everything you own in your drawers. The standard method of folding and piling stuff up makes it hard to see what you own.
Once you start folding with her method, you'll hardly believe you used to be such a disgusting slob.
Photo: Boston Globe / Contributor (Getty Images)
Step 3: Put Things Away
If you look past that twisted expression on that woman's face, you can literally see how smart this folding method is. You'll never have to rip everything out of a drawer just to find your lucky shirt for the game. You'll be able to locate it right away now that you're not a pig anymore.
Photo: Bernard Weil / Contributor (Getty Images)
Step 4: Discard Anything You Don't Need Before Moving On
Marie Kondo's method says you clean by category, so before you're done, you have to bag up the clothes you no longer want. Things that are gross should be tossed out. Things that can be repurposed should be donated to places like Goodwill or Out of the Closet.
Photo: Amy Steigbigel (Getty Images)
Step 5: Finish Organizing by Category
Kondo says the best way to tidy up is by category. Start with clothes and then move on. Next, you'll attack: books, papers, miscellaneous (kitchen/garage/storage unit) and sentimental items (photos/keepsakes). She suggests using little nook like boxes (literally fancy shoe boxes) to keep items clustered together, too. Fold sheets in her method and roll towels and place them in boxes so everything can be easily noticed and sorted. And don't roll your eyes. You're creating a better space and a better life. Yes. You. Can.
Photo: Boston Globe / Contributor (Getty Images)