Woman With Flat Tyre On Car Phoning For Assistance

Study Reveals Millennials Still Don’t Know How To Change A Tire

Photo: FlairImages (Getty Images)

I have a confession to make: I don’t think I know how to properly change a tire. And that’s mainly because A) The majority of my life was lived without having a car. And B) When I did own a car I also happened to have Triple A like the awful millennial I am. And yet, I’m not alone as a new study has showed that 75% of millennials still don’t have a clue when it comes to changing a tire.

According to UNILAD, a poll of 2,000 adults found that people over the age of 55 are a lot more likely to know how to do the following tasks: how to write a formal letter, how to play chess and of course, how to change a car tire.

Aside from not being able to change a tire, the majority of millennials don’t know how many feet are in a yard or how to multiply without using a calculator.


The poll of 2,000 adults found, those aged over 55-year-old’s are less likely to turn on spell check but are more likely to know when to use correct grammatical terms. The research, which was commissioned by Bupa, also revealed 58 per cent of older people know how to get stains out of clothes, while 31 per cent of millennials, those aged 25-34, are unsure.

“There are plenty of useful skills which are being lost between generations. There’s so much we can learn from our older generations, but there’s a real danger we’re losing valuable life skills and pastimes. Thankfully these things are easy to pass between generations, we just need to find time to start the conversations.”

The research also discovered, while half of millennials can iron a shirt, 84 per cent of senior citizens are putting them to shame with their pure ironing skills.

But there’s something else old people have an upper-hand at: how to bake without a recipe book. The survey also says that older folks have better general knowledge.

Now check this out: Millennials Are Now Being Blamed For Ruining Applebee’s And Buffalo Wild Wings

And yet, with all that ‘general knowledge,’ and practical skills, the majority of old folks have still managed to screw us all and kill Mother Earth. And that is why we should be looking towards the younger crowd to lead us into the future, not someone who still thinks it’s the 1950s.

Do you know how to change a tire? Can you multiply or divide without the use of a calculator?


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