Photo: ryan_christensen (Getty)
Flying is an honor and a privilege and has been ever since the Wright brothers nearly killed themselves getting those wings off the ground. Don’t worry though, they died of typhoid and heart attacks. And in honor of that, we’d like to provide you with some the best, quick and honest and, most importantly, brief and to-the-point reviews on the top 10 most popular U.S. airlines of our somewhat friendly skies.
While we didn’t do a 5-star system for grading in-flight entertainment, ground service, customer services in times of cancellations, dependability of flights and flight arrival times, how hot the women who are working, how drunk the dudes who are flying and any other number of hiccups or perks of air travel, we did, however, make this neat slideshow. Below, you’ll see we get down to brass tacks on the best parts of each airline (or the things we simply cannot ignore), but luckily for you, we ranked our airlines, starting from our favorites on down to our biggest nightmares. One thing is for sure: It’s a bad year to be a couple airlines.
Now remember that the slideshow below kicks off with what we believe is the best airline, and you keep clicking you will learn which we believe is the worst.
Ranking Airlines From Our Favorites To The Biggest Nightmares
And now, the choice is yours. Safe travels. Oh, and keep your shoes on.
And another thing: This Survey Actually Shows Which Airlines Have The Hottest Flight Attendants
Rank Airlines
Alaska Airlines
Photo: via
You never flown Alaska? Well, that's your loss, since it ranks highest with most folks we know in terms of reliability, comfortability and affordability. Maybe you never flew Alaska along the west coast because they work in tight circles, but now merging with Virgin, we think your luck's about to change. In fact, look for Virgin to fade out as Alaska becomes the big dog.
Virgin Airlines
Photo: via
The hippest airline on the planet has one of our top votes, as a barely higher Virgin ticket (for now) gets you all the perks of being a fun-loving flying: cool lighting, comfy seats and the best terminal restaurants. And the staff is always cool, calm and rarely, if ever, stuck up. Sometimes the lady attendants can be quite fetching, too.
Jet Blue
Photo: via Daily Mail
You remember this guy? Jet Blue was always on our list of affordable low-cost carriers, even if the review on meals and overall value are less than stellar on
But if you recall this flight attendant, Steven Slater, who lost his cool, cussed someone out on the intercom and then cracked open a beer, that guy won us over. Although, didn't the roof come off one of their flights once? In 2016, they had an emergency landing due to the landing gear, and this year they had a bit of a bonfire in the cockpit on its way to Florida. We suppose if you're going to start a fire anywhere...
Photo: via
Call me old fashioned, but I've been flying American religiously for most of my life. However, as in any religion, you stray a little and take the late flight with some floozie airline only to realize you had comfy seating, good in-flight entertainment and reliable flights in American.
Photo: via Business Insider
Southwest has always been the low-cost carrier people without real jobs go for, but that's been changing for some time now. We do enjoy Southwest, but we also enjoy picking our seats ahead of time. My whole life has been one long middle seat. Don't need another one.
Photo: Reddit
Delta has been known to have some of the best deals in flights. Having said that, the lines are always fucking enormous because of their deals, and the ground staff is less than accommodating even if your flight is coming up.
I don't think I've ever had a flight leave on time with Delta, and during the holidays it feels like the pilots are always late or just not there.
Hawaiian Airlines
Screenshot: YouTube
Hawaiian never really did anything to us, in fact, we know good people who work there. But this picture is just not helping. Don't let it keep you off their flights though, as we hear good things about the service and airfare.
Photo: via
The only thing more concerning than the size of the tray table is how to get your legs out of underneath them. No amount of saving is worth the lack of comfort of these flights.
It seems like a good airline for dogs to use, though!
Spirit Airlines
Photo: Imgur
The photo says it all. I'll admit I had a decent Spirit experience going to Denver in what appeared to be a newish plane.
But many customers feel Spirit is an archaic airline that needs to be put down. They claim to be the cheapest, but then they charge you for your carry-on, printing your boarding pass, in-flight beverages and seat reservation. They also have the least amount of legroom. So there's that. I'd rather bike there.
Photo: Reddit
You know, we never had too much of a problem with United. Wasn't our favorite, always felt extra dirty getting off. But this year has been a rough one for them...
Seriously. Did You Forget Already?
Photo: via
Did you forget about the bloody removal of a passenger before take off? Or the dress code for girls in leggings? Hey, we need our hot girls in yoga pants!
Don't worry, they're about to lose hundreds of millions thanks to Hurricane Harv. Those are the winds of karma, friends.