How To Use Hookup Sites But Not Feel Sleazy

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Using hookup sites isn’t a taboo in most modern societies, yet there are still some who feel bad, dirty, or sleazy for spending their time on them. Which is somewhat understandable, but those things can be remedied by several tips you should keep in mind while swiping away.

So if you’re using dating or hookup sites but keep feeling like you should go and confess your sins after it, you definitely need to read our tips on how to use them as a proper boy scout.

Hookup Sites Rule #1: Don’t Lie

If you’re feeling sleazy for using the modern inventions in order to satisfy your second strongest instinct in your body, you should clear your consciousness by not lying when on hookup sites. Hopefully, most of you are already honest, but for those who like to big up themselves while talking to the ladies, that’s probably why you feel sleazy after doing it. So no more making up accomplishments or acting like your profession is that of an astronaut. Basically, just don’t act like Barney Stinson, but still be legendary.

Hookup Sites Rule #2: Be Picky

If you’re feeling sleazy for using apps like Tinder it’s probably because you became the human automatic Tinder machine and are swiping right for everybody. Don’t be such a greedy manslut, and actually focus on the girls you truly like. That’s the way you’ll have an easier time coming up with cool ways of asking her out. If the potential prize is great, you’ll feel more excited and motivated to actually put some effort in while communicating with the girl. Maybe you’ll even realize that you want something more than to just hook up.

Hookup Sites Rule #3: Be Upfront

Different from not lying, as that rule applies to absolutely everybody, being upfront with the people you communicate should be considered, but is not for all. It might be weird to say to someone right away that you’re just into one-night stands and are not looking for a reoccurring hookup but if you’re feeling sleazy this might be the cure. Maybe the disappointment of the people you’ve already ditched this way is the reason why hookup sites are making you feel sleazy.

Hookup Sites Rule #4: Don’t Be Too Straightforward

Stating your attentions is a totally different thing (and optional) than sending a woman a dick pic or a detailed paragraph about the things you would like to do to her. Just because you’re horny, don’t suppose that the person you’re texting is to and also don’t assume that sex has to happen after a date just because you met on hookup sites. You’re not in a rush, take things slowly, have a decent approach and it will not put your conscious to ease but you’ll also have far better connections with people.

Hookup Sites Rule #5: Funny, not seductive

When opening a conversation with a girl online or when on a date, it’s better to have a humorous, than a seductive mind frame. See the awesome pickup lines we’ve gathered, find the funniest that don’t break the rule #4 as it is hard to pass them off as innocent over text, and start making the girls’ days better with laughs. Women like funny guys, it’s a fact, and while acting like a seductive lover might work for some, it could well be the very reason why you’re feeling sleazy on hookup sites.

If you have any other ideas how not to feel sleazy on hookup sites, leave them in the comments below.

Additionally, You Can Use Our Tips On How to Conquer Any Dating Site.