Photo: Instagram/Margot Robbie
If you’ve ever discussed a “hall pass” with your partner, you probably already have a list of celebrities that you would have the green light to hook up with if you ever got the chance. And since you will never get the chance your partner agrees to this sex hall pass. But don’t you worry, you are not the only one.
The rad folks at Sleep Cupid asked over 6,000 people around the world which famous person they most want to sleep with. And let’s just say that these answers ranged from the very expected to the very unexpected.
Let’s first start off with America, who of course has Kim Kardashian at the top spot.

And now let’s check in with some of the other countries and their replies, kicking it off with our pals in the UK.

For some reason the folks in America Jr. really want to have sex with Avril Lavigne.

And here are some more replies from Europe.

From Australia.

From New Zealand.

And finally from Brazil.

And just for laughs, here is how many people want to sleep with Donald Trump if they had the chance.

13.4% too many.
Via Sleep Cupid