Photo: Planet Flem.
It’s been an ugly, unduly long presidential election cycle. One of the few good things to come of it has been the outpouring of election-inspired art. From political art cars to yarn bombs to puppets, artists have taken advantage of the absurdity of the ongoing circus and infused it with wit and creativity. Donald Trump seems to be the most ubiquitous subject for artists, Hillary Clinton comes in at a close second, and Bernie Sanders hangs on by his fingernails in third place. Here are 40 of the more memorable depictions of the 2016 presidential candidates created by street artists, painters, illustrators, and textile artists across the country and worldwide.
ALSO: Supreme Meme | The Best Of ‘Bernie vs Hillary’
The Most Tremendous Art of the 2016 Presidential Election
Clinton Trump 2016 by Alina Sofia
Artwork: @wherethepeachesgrow on Instagram.
Neither Hillary/Trump by Dave MacDowell
Artwork: @macdowellstudio on Instagram.
Trump and Hillary by Kevin Michael
Artwork: @kevinmichaelnyc on Instagram.
Clinton and Trump Puppets by Laura Lee Burch
Artwork: @lauraleeburch on Instagram.
Thoughts on the Election by Jonathan Stephens
Photo: @jstephensdesign on Instagram.
Trump Hill Pillow by Manda Pandie
Pillow: @mandapandieillustrations on Instagram.
Change by Gerald Lovato
Artwork: @geraldlovato on Instagram.
The Fourth Reich by The Art of What
Artwork: @the_art_of_what on Instagram.
Donald Trump by John Kilduff
Artwork: John Kilduff.
Tweet Twit 2016 by Christian Hooker
Artwork: @hookernyc on Instagram.
Bully Culprit by Robbie Conal
Artwork: @robbieconal on Instagram.
No one respects women more than I do - Trump Campaign Poster Suggestion #11 by Marcos Sorenson
Artwork: @marcos.sorenson on Instagram.
Donald Trump with a Crown of Roadkill by Cara DeAngelis
Artwork: @cara_deangelis on Instagram.
Donald Trump by Mark Hammermeister
Artwork: @markdraws on Instagram.
The Color of Hate by Jeremy Merrill
Artwork: @merrill_art on Instagram.
Dump Trump by Hanksy
Artwork: @hanksynyc on Instagram.
Venump by Derek Eads
Artwork: @derek_eads on Instagram.
Donald Trump Cheeto by Kevin Johnson
Artwork: Kevin Johnson.
The Trumpcicle by Hal Hefner
Artwork: @halhefner on Instagram.
Must Stop Orange Hitler by Jeremy Townsend
Artwork: @mrjert on Instagram.
Steaming Pile of Lies by Deer Abigale
Artwork: @follicles_ on Instagram.
Trumplandia by John P. Dessereau
Artwork: on Instagram.
Donald Trump by Jenny Brown
Artwork: @hijennybrown on Instagram.
Humpty Trumpty by Ron English
Photo: @dougie777 on Instagram.
Donald Trump Photoshopped Bathroom in Paris by Unknown Artist
Photo: @artfluential on Instagram.
Putin and Trump Mural by Mindaugas Bonanu
Photo: @mississippikelly on Instagram.
Donald Trump by Unknown Street Artist
Photo: @jackiehathiramani on Instagram.
Donald Trump by Unknown Street Artist
Photo: @beautynewsnyc on Instagram.
Pops by Patrick Martinez
Photo: @patrick_martinez_studio on Instagram.
Masks or Fear - El Trump by Heath Kane
Artwork: @byheathkane on Instagram.
Make Women Nasty Again by @drawnbymary
Artwork: @drawnbymary on Instagram.
Nasty Woman by @amandwella
Photo: @amandwella on Instagram.
Nasty Women, Unite by Melissa Meyer
Artwork: @melissaevameyer on Instagram.
So That Was a Debate, Huh? by Rebecca Lowy
Artwork: @rebecca.lowy on Instagram.
Hillary Car Postcard by Gretchen Baer
Artwork: @gretchenbaer on Instagram.
Blaze of Glory by Ann Fuhring
Artwork: @annfuhring on Instagram.
Hillary Clinton as Emperor Palpatine by freehumanity
Artwork: @freehumanity on Instagram.
Revolution by Andrew Zvonek
Image: @boffo_ny on Instagram.
Bernie Sanders by Dela Ariela
Artwork: Dela Ariela.
Bernie Sanders by Bae Cutler
Artwork: @baecutler on Instagram.
Real Pretzeldential Material by Hanksy
Artwork @hanksynyc on Instagram.