If that makes you want to vom, well, good news! That’s now officially a word as well.
The Oxford English Dictionary added more than 500 words and phrases in an epic update earlier this week, and congrats, millennials. It’s obvious that you’re winning.

“Resting bitch face” also made the cut this time around, and so did “YOLO!” They were joined by “moobs,” “biatch,” “filthifying,” “false friend,” “clifty,” “crap” and “freemium,” most of which our spell checker is having a difficult time accepting.
The entire list of new words and phrases can be found here, but it’s finally happening folks. That’s right, the gap between the Oxford English Dictionary and Urban Dictionary is now smaller than the gap between Michael Strahan’s two front teeth.
Think that’s offensive? Well, just fuhgeddaboutit, which is also now officially a word.
h/t US Magazine