New Zealand Dad Shares Photo Of Young Daughter Eating Heart Of Freshly Killed Deer

You know what, thinking back now, all those plates of broccoli don’t seem so bad and I wish I hadn’t thrown such a fuss over eating them when I was younger. I mean, I could have had a dad who encouraged me to eat the “warm, quivering heart” of a deer. Which is exactly what one little girl did.

A New Zealand hunter is getting bashed left and right for sharing a photo of his eight-year-old daughter taking a bite out of the heart of her very first deer kill. Awww, precious moments. Take a look at the photo shared on the New Zealand Woman Hunters Facebook (which is currently shut down), but heads up: It’s quite brutal.

And look what this proud papa had to say about it:

People of course were pretty disgusted by the picture. Just take a look at what these folks think:

But Chloe’s dad is still proud of his little killer:

“Chloe has been coming hunting with me since she was eight months old on a front pack,” he told BuzzFeed. “This was her first deer. She has shot a goat, and been target shooting.”

Go Chloe! Next stop? “The Hunger Games.”

More precious moments: Video: Lion Attacks Two Douchebags Trophy Hunters Posing With Lion They Just Killed


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