This Is What Happens To Your Leg After An iPhone Blows Up In Your Pocket (Graphic)

An Australian man recently fell off his bike when he was riding it on a trail near Sydney, but it’s not the hit to his pride or “minor abrasions” on his knee that had him fuming afterward. Literally.

Gareth Clear said he quickly noticed that there was smoke coming out of his right leg, and it was the result of his iPhone 6 catching fire at some point during the tumble last Sunday afternoon.

“And there was a searing pain that went along with it — as though someone had pushed a huge block of ice against my leg,” Clear said. “It was pretty freaking painful.”

The phone explosion melted not only Clear’s thick biking shorts but also the Skins he was wearing underneath them. In fact, the phone had also melted, and the combo of all of that melted shit became stuck on Clear’s right leg, resulting in third-degree burns and this gnarly battle scar:

Clear needed a skin graft to repair his thigh and will have to spend the majority of this week attached to a machine that will help heal the wound. Plus, he now has no way to play “Pokémon Go,” and that might be the most painful part of the story.

h/t BroBible

Look how much fun sucking on an e-cig is these days: This Is What Happens When An E-Cigarette Blows Up In Your Face