Australian Man Admits To Not Being Doctor But Removing Man’s Testicle Anyway

You would think that after getting kicked in the balls by a horse, it would have been smooth sailing from there on out for one poor bastard in Australia.

But according to BBC News, getting his nuts crushed by a nag was the equivalent to getting free ice cream compared to what happened next.

The 52-year-old victim couldn’t afford medical assistance from a professional, so he turned to the internet for help.

Bad idea, Chuck.

Allan George Matthews, 56, answered the man’s call and wouldn’t you know it, the poor guy’s beanbag became infected after Matthews removed one of his testicles at a motel in June. At that point, the man finally bit the bullet and went to the hospital for the infection, and he eventually led authorities to Matthews.

Police raided Matthews’s house and found “medical equipment, firearms and four bottles of what they suspected to be amyl nitrate.” He pleaded guilty to removing one of the man’s stones despite the fact that he was not qualified or authorized to do so.

There were also a few other charges against Matthews thrown in there, but you would think illegally removing one-third of a bro’s manhood alone should be enough to put him away for awhile.

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