It took a few days, but we finally found something grosser than Timofey Mozgov’s new contract with the Lakers.
According to The Telegraph, doctors treating a 23-year-old British mother suffering from severe stomach pains and extreme weight loss late last year were initially stumped by her condition.

Sophie Cox told doctors she couldn’t eat without barfing and her stomach would swell up. She had also lost more than 60 pounds in two years and dropped six dress sizes, but doctors still couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her.
Finally, Cox underwent an endoscopy at Cheltenham General Hospital in November 2015, and what they discovered left Cox “speechless” because it looked like “something from a horror film.”
It turned out that Cox, who had been diagnosed six years earlier with trichotillomania, a condition where a person feels compelled to pull their hair out, was taking her hair and stuffing it down her throat, and it had turned into a massive 12-inch hairball in the pit of her stomach weighing approximately 14 pounds:
Check out this puppy:

Doctors established that Cox also suffers from the compulsive hair-eating disorder known as trichophagia, which somehow still sounds a tad tastier than Taco Bell.
You can check out another shot of the hairball via Twitter. And now you can go puke.
Just in case you were thinking about dessert: The Grossest Guinness World Records Out There