Texas Family Finds Rat In Dr. Pepper Bottle

As if drinking Dr. Pepper wasn’t gross enough, a rat was found inside one of its bottles by a family in Texas.

A three-year-old named Kayden was handed a 20-ounce bottle of Dr. Pepper for some reason, and when he couldn’t drink anymore of the terrible soda he handed it back to his grandparents. A bit later when they went to reopen the bottle, they noticed a rat floating in there.

Check out the hideous thing below:

Obviously the kid was taken to a pediatrician where blood and urine samples were taken. NBC 9 reports that the pediatrician’s office contacted the CDC and the state of Texas. Dr Pepper knows about the gross incident, and they said that they would like to obtain the bottle for running tests.

But here’s the interesting part: the family refused to give up the bottle for testing because they want to run tests of their own. Which gives off a strong indication that maybe they are completely full of it and looking for some cash. But hey, maybe little Kayden did almost swallow a rat.

Although, Dr. Pepper also states that their “controls and safeguards ” make it “virtually impossible for any foreign object to get into a container at any stage of the bottling process.”

So even they think the family is full of it.

The lesson here is that Dr. Pepper is still a shitty soft drink.

Thanks for nothing Subway: Huge Dead Mouse Found In Subway Sandwich


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