Hey, they’re probably just jealous.
According to The Local, somebody in the Swedish city of Gothenburg drew a giant penis in the snow resting on top of a frozen moat over the weekend, and it looks as though it’s going to be there for quite a while because the frailty of the ice has made it impossible for officials to wipe it out.

The frozen moat lies on the northwestern edge of Kungsparken, and workers there were approached by several locals who complained that the giant snow boner was an eyesore for the community. Their first thought was to just walk out there and “scrub it out,” but the thin ice made it too risky.
That means the Kungsparken section of Gothenburg will continue to house the massive snow dick until “thawing weather returns.”
Asked about it on Twitter, Gothenburg mayor Anneli Hulthén said, “I can’t comment in a way that makes sense. Or, in plain language, who cares,” which totally sounds like something the person who drew the giant snow penis would say.
You don’t need snow to make dicks: 18 Photos Of Things That Look Like A Penis