These 2015 Year In Review Porn Stats Will Blow Your Mind

It looks as though Americans in 2015 really enjoyed watching football … and lesbians.

The gang at Pornhub always seems to offer up more than just grainy clips of two Russian women being naughty, and one could even argue that you’ll get more out of visiting their Pornhub Insights section than you will out of their free videos.

Well, it looks as though the Insights team spent almost as much time putting together their 2015 Year in Review statistics as Hawaiians do watching smut. And they even made it easy by putting everything in pictures, graphs and charts. Enjoy.

Yup, that is not a misprint. “Scooby Doo” porn searches are on the rise in Brazil. Just in time for the Olympics.

h/t BroBible

You filthy animals: Here Are The Top 10 Porn Search Terms For Every Year Since 2009