Australian Instagram Star Posts New, Honest Captions Before Quitting Social Media Forever

If you’ve ever found yourself being irked by men and women who make tons of cash posting selfies and various pictures all throughout social media, one woman is here to show you that it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be, and she’s doing it in the most dramatic way possible: by quitting social media forever.

Instagram star 18-year-old Essena O’Neill has decided to not only delete thousands of pictures off her extremely popular Instagram (over 750K followers before she quit), she has also decided to never involve herself in social media again.

“Social media, especially how I used it, isn’t real,” Essena states. “It was never my conscious intention, but I deluded a lot of people… Call it deception, manipulation, lying, not saying the whole truth… I was both addicted to social approval and terrified no one would value me for myself. So I rewrote the captions of these false photos with short shots of reality.”

Essena went ahead and took down almost 2000 photos of herself on her Instagram, and edited captions on the ones she left by revealing how much she was paid for the photo and where the clothes came from.

You have to give kudos that at such a young age this woman has made this realization — a realization that very few people ever make their entire lives. Take a look at some of Essena’s photos below with her new captions.

And take a look at the video below to hear Essena explain more on her decision:

Via Mic

She won’t have to deal with this anymore: 26 Signs Everyone On Instagram Hates You