English Guy Wakes Up After Bachelor Party With Pair Of Sunglasses Tattooed On His Face

Well that’s one way to never misplace your sunglasses again.

The man, in his fifties and from Swansea, who refuses to be identified even though he allowed his mug to be plastered all over the Internet, is claiming that after a long night of drinking during a bachelor party he woke up to find a pair of Ray-Bans tattooed on his face.

“Waking-up the morning after, I thought someone had used a permanent marker on my face,” the lad recalls. “I had no memory of getting the tattoo because I had gone out celebrating and when it happened I was drunk.”

“When I first came home, obviously I was subject to a lot of stares, but I kind of got used to the tattoo and decided not to get rid of it.”

One would be able to tell the difference between a marker on your face and a fresh tattoo, as his face would be swollen and sore, so this guy’s story seems a bit iffy.

The tattooed man had this tattoo for two years after he got “used to it,” and only decided to remove it after someone made fun of him in a bar instead of behind his back like everyone else was doing.

“The next morning I really started to think about what my family and friends thought,” he adds. “I didn’t want them to be embarrassed when they were out with me, so I decided there and then I was going to get it removed.”

It took six laser treatments to get rid of this man’s mistake.

Sounds like this guy just got a stupid tattoo while he was drunk and fabricated the rest of the other details so people wouldn’t think he’s an idiot. But we still do.

Via Wales Online

These folks know the struggle: 30 Terrible Face Tattoos That Guarantee A Life Of Unemployment