Cafe Owner Calls Out Vegans And Starts The Most Hilarious Facebook Battle

Vegans exist, and because of that people have to either hear about their diet restrictions all the time, or, if you happen to work in the food industry, you have to make sure to be able to prepare food just the way they like it. And while most people are OK with that, one cafe owner decided to speak out…and boy did that piss a lot of people off.

Paul Stenson owns The White Moose Cafe in Dublin, Ireland, and he got a tad irked when confronted by a bunch of vegans looking for food made just for them:

After Stenson got this off his chest he probably didn’t expect someone to post his rant on numerous vegan Facebook groups. And well, they weren’t happy. Look at Stenson’s reaction to all this:

The bashing apparently continued because Stenson then posted this:

Stenson then updated his cover photo to this:

Wanting to take the high road, Stenson later apologized (sort of)

Vegans began protesting Stenson’s cafe online (death threats included, too, for good measure):

Fortunately for Stenson, other non-vegans (or normal people as they’re known) stood up for him:

But the protesting continues:

Via The Chive

At least there’s a guide: A Simple Food Guide For Guys Dating Vegans