But will you remember what you did to make her squeal?
According to the crew at AskMen, there are several good “scientific reasons” why drinking beer will make you a stallion in the sack, and, I must say, every one of them sure makes a lot of sense.
First of all, downing some brews before you bump uglies will make you last longer. That’s right, guys. “The phytoestrogens in beer can work to delay ejaculation, helping you to keep her satisfied longer.”
Beer also gives men more endurance to “thrust away.” Since men who have one pint a day are 31 percent less likely to have a heart attack or stroke, it seems as though beer is making men’s hearts healthier and thus giving them more cardio endurance.
And, great news for guys who prefer dark beers: Since they have a higher iron content than light beers, men who drink them are more likely to get in the mood and have an easier time getting erections.
One fact that didn’t make the list? You guessed it: Having 12 beers will make you forget that you brought home the ugly chick.
Here’s another study we will gladly get behind: Women Who Perform Oral Sex Are Happier, Study Suggests