Army Vet Had The Perfect Response To A Douchebag’s Passive Aggressive Note

There will always be some tool who will find time to write out an angry note because they feel that bold ink and capital letters will show the person just how pissed they are. The Army vet below got a note left on his car that was probably the most passive-aggressive note in the history of notes left on cars:

Wow, that’s a lot of exclamation points. But even better was the Army vet’s response:

Now I have no clue where this Army vet intended to send this letter, but now that it’s gone viral he doesn’t have to worry about that because the loser who left the original note will most likely see this beautiful response.

Via Reddit

Not very passive aggressive: Windshield Note Shows Just How Pissed A Neighbor Was About A Car Alarm Going Off All Night


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