Korean Couple Has Crazy Weight Loss Transformation In Only 5 Months

I don’t really know what the inside of a gym looks like, but I assume it’s hell on earth. That said, I can’t even imagine what it took for the Korean couple below to transform the way they did … in only five months. They must have gone through some secret, illegal, Korean boot camp because the before and after pictures are insane.

Song Jin Yoo and Shin Ji Hoo are a Korean couple who decided to work out together (my idea of bonding would be to eat pizza and drink together, but to each their own) and in only five months have turned into super humans. Take a quick look.

If you can’t figure out who the guy is based off their names, Song Jin Yoo is the guy, and his diet includes eating 150 grams of chicken breast, 120 grams of sweet potatoes, five pieces of almonds, cherry tomatoes, cabbage, and onions every three to four hours.

While Shin Ji Hoo (the girl) eats three to four egg whites, 50 grams of potatoes, and some fruits and vegetables around five times a day.

Check out more pictures below of this couple’s amazing and ridiculous transformation.

All of this resulted in some crazy numbers: Song Jin Yoo went from 83 kilograms with 16% body fat to 71 kilograms with 5% body fat. Shin Ji Hoo originally weighed 71 kilograms with 32% body fat, but she’s now at 49 kilograms and 18% body fat. I don’t know what any of that means, I just know that this is impressive and if I were to try this diet I wouldn’t see the age of 26.

For those questioning the validity of all this and thinking this is worse than those late-night weight loss ads featuring an actor who hasn’t been relevant since ’93, the couple has posted this to prove that it’s all legit:

If legit, this is one of the craziest transformation I’ve seen, so kudos to them. Hopefully this will encourage other people to work out and get healthy while I attempt to walk up two flights of stairs without collapsing.

Via Izismile

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