English Woman Dumps Cheating Husband Using Massive Road Sign

Some people dump their partners in person; some in texts; and some decide to dump their partners using huge road signs so that everyone that drives by it can be informed, too.

Lisa, the woman behind the sign that informed everyone of her husband’s cheating ways, decided to dump her husband in the best way she could think of: in a road sign.

“To my cheating husband Paul. You deserve each other. When you get home I won’t be there. Enjoy your drive to work! Lisa,” the sign, which, according to Mark Catterall (the man who sold Lisa the ad space), Lisa paid ‘hundreds of pounds’ for, says.

The revealing 15ft X 10ft sign appeared on Sheffield Parkway, a major commuter route into the South Yorkshire city in England.

“She just wanted it on during rush hour. ‘The Sheffield Parkway is always jammed as it is the main artery in and out of the city in the morning and the client wanted on while her ex-partner was driving to work,” Mark says.

‘It is the most recognized billboard location in the city, so I wouldn’t like to be the partner scorned by this.”

Lisa discovered her husband’s cheating ways a while ago and planned out her revenge over a couple of weeks. Now the whole city of Sheffield knows Paul’s a cheater and that Lisa has aspirations of getting an advertising degree.

Via Daily Mail

This also gets the point across: Jersey Shore Sign Hacked, Changed to ‘Assville’


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