Kansas Woman Gets Frostbite Trying To Get High On Canned Air At Walmart

I’ll admit that life in Kansas sounds like it’s about as much fun as getting kicked in the balls by a mule, but trying to make things better by huffing a can of toxic chemicals that is primarily used for cleaning your MacBook is beyond ridiculous.

According to ABC 13, an Olathe woman who was recently “shopping” at her local Walmart decided to spice things up by sucking on a can of Ultra Duster, which is an industrial strength duster chemical that is usually reserved for cleaning computers.

Now, there are many good reasons not to huff Ultra Duster—like the fact that it can cause kidney failure and even death—but the whole “instant frostbite” of your face thing also has to be toward the top of the list:

Police said Melissa Ann Wright refused medical attention when they arrived on the scene, and they had no choice but to slap her with the “uncommon charge” of abusing toxic vapors.

As far as Wright’s face goes, she’s unfortunately going to look like that for a long time. Well, unless of course she can come up with the cash for plastic surgery, which, based on the fact that she’s huffing computer cleaners at Walmart, is highly unlikely.

This should kill whatever’s left of your appetite: This Girl’s Frostbitten Fingers Will Make You Never Want To Drink In The Snow


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