Attention Meat Lovers: You’re Probably Eating Ground Beef With Feces In It

This bit of information might stop you from stuffing your face with a burger (but probably not, because we are all awful, gluttonous people).

According to Consumer Reports, 458 pounds of ground beef from 26 cities across the country were tested by the consumer-safety magazine only to discover that all of the beef contained fecal contamination bacteria. Yep.

The fecal matter can cause blood or urinary tract infections. The test included conventionally raised cows and cows raised in a “sustainable” environment, which pretty much means the cows were antibiotic-free and grass fed. If you were leaning towards the meat with less poop in it, the report suggests you go with those rad, antibiotic-free cows since less bacteria was found in their beef.

Urvashi Rangan, the executive director of the Center for Food Safety and Sustainability at Consumer Reports, states “The most sustainable beef-production systems don’t rely on any daily drugs, don’t confine animals and do allow them to eat a natural diet. Our findings show that more sustainable can mean safer meat.”

The study also reveals that 28 percent of Americans like their beef medium rare, which just makes it a bigger possibility that poop bacteria isn’t cooked off.

28 percent is also the number of Americans who will be slightly concerned with this report. The rest will shrug their shoulders and continue to stuff their faces because ‘Murica.

Via NY Post