This Is The Dumbest iPhone Case Ever Created (And It Could Get You Killed)

If you want to make a fashion statement or impress your friends with that new iPhone case you just got off some shady guy on the Internet, make sure it isn’t one that can possible get you killed like the iPhone case below.

That’s right. It’s an iPhone case shaped like a gun. And it even comes in hot pink in case you don’t feel fabulous enough. This iPhone is so dangerous that NYPD’s 112th Precinct Deputy Inspector Judith Harrison warned people on Twitter to stay away from this ridiculous case.

It seems most of these cases are being sold on ebay from users based in China, and hundreds of these plastic guns cases are being sold.

Instead of this, just get a plain, boring case that claims to protect your phone, but it won’t protect it if it’s dropped in the toilet . False advertising if you ask me.

Via Mic


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