It seems as though most Norwegians under the age 30 think a new safe sex campaign featuring a man dressed as a giant penis spraying unsuspecting people is a hilarious reminder to wrap it up.
But the older folks think he’s, well, a dick.
We’ll let you be the judge.
Don’t get me wrong, as golden confetti is usually where the party is at, but it’s hard to get in a party frame of mind when it’s being ejaculated from a gigantic penis onto the table where I’m currently eating my club sandwich.
But hey, if wearing a condom from now on is what it will take to get you to run away from my table and never come back, then I guess you can consider it an effective campaign because I’m in.
h/t Mirror
In India, they run silly campaigns in hopes they will remind people to poop in toilets: Mr. Poo Aims to Get People in India to Stop Pooping in Public