Talk about being persistent. A Texas man, who I’m guessing just left a seminar about overcoming obstacles and reaching your goals, was arrested after trying to beat the odds and once again shack up with a horse.

Cirilo Castillo was caught with a broken leg in a barn by the barn’s owner. A leg he said he injured after being struck by a car, and then he crawled to the barn for shelter, when in reality, Castillo might have suffered the injury while trying to get some horse action. Hey, when the lady says no, that means no.
This is not Castillo’s first rodeo, as he had been arrested twice before for sexual incidents with horses, including an incident where he tied up a horse and performed sexual acts on it, receiving five years probation for that insane act.
The barn’s owner had previously told Castillo to stay away from her barn after Castillo had been arrested, and when the owner realized that Castillo sought the same animal, cameras were added to catch him in the act.
“We have a hell of a surveillance tape. It is not going to go to, America’s Funniest Videos, that is for sure,” Sheriff Trevino told the Houston Chronicle.
Castillo could face up to 180 days in jail.
I can’t even imagine how much he enjoys watching American Pharoah.
Via Daily Mail