Man Born Without Penis Still Gets More Action Than You

Having a penis and being able to have sex is kind of a big deal when it comes to men, but a man in Manchester who was born without a penis hasn’t let that stop him from having a sex life, and his sex life might be better than yours.

Andrew Wardle was born with a condition called penis agenesis, a condition that affects one in every five to six million men, which pretty much means that Andrew has two testicles like the usual man has, but Andrew was born without a penis. Which I assume means that Andrew was a terrible, terrible human in past life.

Good news for Andrew, he will be having a painful operation that will require taking skin grafts from his arm in order for doctors to make him a new penis. Doctors will make a penis that will allow urine to pass through, look natural, have feeling, and make sex possible.

Apparently skin from Andrew’s forearm, blood vessels and nerves and all, will be rolled up and placed in the empty area.

Despite not having man’s best friend hanging around with him, Andrew still claims to have slept with over 100 women. I used to make the same claim until I learned that it only counts if the woman is present and not online. Bummer.

Andrew will be part of a documentary airing later in June on the Discovery Channel that will follow him through various medical procedures, as well as will show him confessing his condition to friends, lovers, and even his current girlfriend, below, who has no idea. Okay then.

So how exactly has Andrew bedded so many women? That’s right, bedded:

“By taking drugs I gave myself the perfect cover. I’d bed girls but said things could only go so far because the drugs meant I couldn’t rise to the occasion. I’ve been to bed with over 100 women. Some were one-night stands, some long-term relationships. I’ve told 20 percent of them the truth.”

Andrew also says that he’s been punched in the face after revealing his secret:

“It is difficult to explain to a new girlfriend. Once, I was punched in the face when I told a girl. I guess she felt like I had lied, but it’s not something you can say right away.”

At least he’s getting a new penis. Now that’s a happy ending.

Via The Sun


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