‘Hookers for Hillary’ is a Group of Prostitutes Campaigning for Hillary Clinton

Hey, every vote counts.

According to The Daily Beast, the ladies from the world famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada have already made their choice for this country’s next president, and Hillary Clinton must be absolutely thrilled that it’s her.

Calling themselves “Hookers for Hillary,” the ladies have a four-point platform that outlines their support for the former First Lady, and making sure they are still able to get health care when the next president moves into the White House is at the top of their list.

“Whether someone agrees with legal prostitution or not it’s not right to take health care away from us,” Krissy Summers said. “We pay into taxes too.”

Bunny Ranch owner Dennis Hof said his hookers are going to be doing “crazy things” like showing up at bike rallies in bikinis to make sure their voices are heard.

“They’re going to push the issue and stir it up because when you stir it up you get people thinking and looking at it,” Hof said.

Several other “Hookers for Hillary” supporters chimed in, and Ava Adora’s “ringing endorsement” of Clinton is surprisingly one of the most intelligent things you’ll hear throughout the entire campaign.

On the other hand, Air Force Amy might want to think about having somebody else writer her speeches from here on out.

We’re not sure who these lovely ladies are voting, but they once played hookers on the big screen: The 10 Most Memorable Movie Hookers


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