Ohio Woman Stabs Boyfriend for Eating All of the Salsa

Geez. It must not have been the stuff that’s made in New York City.

According to the New York Daily News, a 50-year-old Akron woman stabbed her 61-year-old boyfriend twice Sunday night after he allegedly finished off the last of their salsa stash.

Police said Phyllis Jefferson first stabbed Ronnie Buckner in the pelvis with a pen because he had been “eating all of the salsa” they were supposed to be sharing. Jefferson then tried to knock over Buckner’s TV, but he was able to catch it before it hit the ground.

Jefferson wasn’t finished there, though. While Buckner settled in to watch some tube, Jefferson grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed him in his stomach. Jefferson fled the scene, but police eventually caught up with her on a nearby highway. She was arrested and charged with felony assault and criminal damaging.

No word on what brand of salsa the two were fighting over, but “It’s so good you’ll get stabbed if you eat all of it” sounds like one hell of an advertising campaign.

Here’s something a little more lighthearted:
