Darth Vader Robbed a North Carolina Bank on Monday

You may dispense with the pleasantries, commander. And let’s be quick about it.

According to NBC4, a man standing just five feet tall but with stones the size of grapefruits robbed a Pineville bank Monday afternoon, and he did it while wearing a Darth Vader costume.

Surveillance footage from the Pineville State Employees Credit Union shows the short man wearing not only a Darth Vader mask, but also gloves and a chest plate. Police termed the heist “unusual,” and said Vader made off with thousands of dollars.

“It was right around lunchtime (in a) very busy area, (a) very busy intersection in our town,” Pineville police Lt. Corey Copley said. “(There’s) a lot of foot traffic in and out of the bank at that time of day.”

Unfortunately for “Star Wars” geeks, the man used a long rifle instead of a lightsaber and fled the scene in a gray four-door Chevrolet Suburban instead of a TIE Fighter.

Here’s proof that if Darth Vader would have been deaf, “Star Wars” could have been classified as a comedy: Hard of Hearing Darth Vader is Quite Enjoyable


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