12 Innovative Products That Are Perfect Solutions to Annoying Problems

Life’s tough, and the little everyday annoyances we deal with only make it tougher. But if we could invent products using our advanced intelligence and technology to get rid of these annoyances, we’d all be happy and everything would be perfect, right? Right. Here are 12 products and concepts that can make our world a better place.

Butter-Warming Butter Knife

Book Stand With Page Holders

Ice Cream Lid Lock

Silicone Oven Rack Pull Tabs

Passcode Protected USB Stick

The Coolest Cooler

Snack Dish With Discard Dish

Water Bottle Wallet

See-Through Highlighter

Smartphone Door Lock

Spaghetti-Spinning Fork

Glow-in-the-Dark Toilet

h/t Viralnova


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