There is nothing more annoying on a plane than a three-year-old kid screaming at the top of his lungs while his mother looks out the window as she’s listening to John Mayer come through her two-dollar headphones.
But coming in at a very close second place has to be the person in front of you who reclines their seat without looking behind them first to see if you’re on your laptop writing stories for Mandatory.

According to Huffington Post, a woman attempted to recline her seat on a United Airlines flight from Newark to Denver on Sunday, but the guy in the seat behind her had attached a device to his tray table that prevented her from doing so.
The man had attached the Knee Defender, a $21.95 device that is actually banned on most major U.S. airlines. When a flight attendant asked the man to remove the gadget, he refused because he was working on his laptop. The woman in front of him then turned around and threw a glass of water at him, so the crew decided to divert the plane to Chicago.
Both the man and woman were removed from the plane and not allowed to continue on to Denver. Although neither was arrested, both were no doubt viewed as the two 48-year-old assholes who forced everybody else to be more than 90 minutes late to Denver.
These people probably wish it was just an argument over a reclining seat that forced them to land: US Airways Made an Emergency Landing Because a Dog Pooped in the Aisle