Watch This Thunderstorm Wreck a Rick Springfield Concert in Montana

It couldn’t be confirmed, but we’re pretty sure this is the first time a Rick Springfield concert wasn’t wrecked because of his music.

According to UPI, Springfield and his band were supposed to play at the Fallon County Fair in Baker, Montana, on Saturday, but the concert was canceled after a thunderstorm ripped through the fairgrounds, destroying their equipment and freeing several animals who were on display.

Around 6 p.m. local time, heavy rains and severe winds followed a dramatic lightning display, and somebody in Springfield’s crew began taking video of the storm just in time to see winds that ranged from 40 to 64 MPH take out the tent that housed the band equipment.

The high winds were also responsible for freeing a group of alpacas. It can all be seen in the video below that was posted to Springfield’s Facebook page. Not only will you see the storm rip through the fairgrounds, but you’ll also hear a member of Springfield’s crew attempt to quote “Caddyshack” and then question the parenting skills of fairgoers all in less than a minute.

​Here’s another person who stopped to film a storm instead of running for shelter: ‘Fire Tornado’ is Literally the Hottest Pic on the Web Right Now


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