Whether or not he’s actually running for Congress is important, as there is a fine line between trying to whip up a few votes as the election nears, and simply being a perverted old man.
According to The Examiner, Virginia Democrat Mike Dickinson has offered a $100 thousand reward for naked pictures or sex tapes of Kendall Jones, the Texas Tech cheerleader/hunter who has recently been in the news for tweeting pictures of the big game animals she has killed.

Dickinson isn’t even on the ballot in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District because he didn’t file in time to be a candidate. But that hasn’t stopped him from saying he’s running as a Democrat, and he’s been on a Twitter rampage bashing Jones for her hobby and looking to get some kind of Kendall Jones smut:
Scumbag #KendallJones hunts animals for fun. We are hunting her for fun. 100k for nude photos or sex tapes pic.twitter.com/DUKxNW8kF2
– DickinsonForCongress (@VoteMike2014) July 10, 2014
Let us all pray that #KendallJones gets mauled by a rhino or contracts Ebola on her next canned hunt to kill a animal pic.twitter.com/av08j8auiv
– DickinsonForCongress (@VoteMike2014) July 10, 2014
If any ex boyfriends of #KendallJones are out there we want and will pay for sex stories or info about her
– DickinsonForCongress (@VoteMike2014) July 10, 2014
Not surprisingly, Dickinson has had his share of critics, and he’s gladly answered them on his Twitter page:
“LibertyBelleCJL: can you be any more repugnant?” I can try. Is there money involvedjQuery191012607916817069054_1405044034130
– DickinsonForCongress (@VoteMike2014) July 10, 2014
“Scully64: he really thinks Virginia is that stupid that they would vote for a walking law suit” They did vote for GW Bush twice
– DickinsonForCongress (@VoteMike2014) July 10, 2014
“vpopul: I wonder if anyone has info on him?” Look for females from VCU.
– DickinsonForCongress (@VoteMike2014) July 10, 2014
Funny? Sure. But any chance Dickinson had at being elected for anything other than the head of Hustler has probably gone down the crapper.
Maybe Dickinson should just check out these pics instead: The 100 Sexiest Twitter Pics