To say the cat “freaked out” would be a bigger understatement than saying I would like to hold Kate Upton‘s hand (and that’s it).
According to Bay News 9, a couple in DeLand, Florida, was forced to call 911 over the weekend after their cat “freaked out” and trapped them in their bedroom.

Teresa and James Gregory were left with cuts, bruises, and scratches to their arms and legs after they were attacked by their Russian Blue cat as they returned home on July 5.
“She tore me and my husband up ’cause we left her in the bathroom all day,” Teresa Gregory said. “So I let her out and she was OK. Then, she saw my husband and she freaked.”
Gregory said she didn’t know what to do after removing the cat from her bedroom, so she and her husband hid inside and closed door before ultimately deciding to call 911. The bad kitty is now being quarantined for ten days.
The couple also told police that their 4-year-old feline had never had any shots or vaccinations, which in hindsight, seems like a terrible decision.
This is how cats do things on the West Coast: Badass Cat Saves Boy From Vicious Dog Attack