What’s next, fining a guy with one leg for excessive hopping?
According to Gawker, a one-armed German man was recently fined 20 euros – or like 60 thousand dollars – for riding a bike with only one hand brake even though he only has one arm.

German law requires that all bike riders have two handbrakes, but Bogdan Ionescu fitted his bike with a left handbrake and right footbrake since he only has one arm. That wasn’t good enough for a German police officer who pulled him over in March and leveled him with a 20 euro fine.
Ionescu argued with authorities, but only after his story was published in a German newspaper did the fine finally get dismissed.
“It’s great news, I’m really happy,” he told Kölner Stadtanzeiger. “It’s good that this is how it ends, it’s unbelievably good.”
No word on what the German police have in store for an encore, but we’re sure somewhere there’s some bastard who used one too many pennies from the penny dish to pay for his soda last week that could use a good spanking.
Sadly, American cops might be worse: NYPD Officers Sued Over White Castle Sliders