All of a sudden, denying your kid that 59-cent coloring book at the South Korean equivalent to 7-Eleven seems like a horrible idea.
According to UPROXX, a Chinese father is trapped in South Korea thanks to his child doodling over the most important page of his passport.

The picture of his “updated” passport was initially uploaded to the website Weibo by the father, known only as Chen, along with a “plea for help.”
Of course, usually when something as hysterical – well, hysterical for everybody but Chen – as this occurs, it’s too good to be true. And while it hasn’t been proven to be a hoax just yet, there are many who have offered evidence to debunk the story.
One person claims the ink is too consistent throughout, meaning it could have been done digitally. Another argues that since Chinese passports are made with a thin gloss, at least some of the ink should have smeared.
Either way, it’s a great reminder to leave your kids at home the next time you travel to a foreign country.
If the story is true, I think this would be an appropriate punishment: Father of the Year Nails Kid in the Face with Soccer Ball