@SochiProblems is the Latest Twitter Phenomenon

It’s no secret the Sochi Olympic Games have already had more issues than Amanda Bynes.

Pretty much as soon as the first members of the media set foot in the Russian “resort” town this week, #SochiProblems was trending on Twitter. And as is often the case on the social media giant, somebody quickly snatched up the handle @SochiProblems on February 4th.

Now, in less than four days of existence, the account has more than 262,000 followers and that number is growing almost as rapidly as Andy Reid’s waistline, as it was at 249,000 when I began writing this post.

From pictures of dual toilets with no barriers between them to pictures of half-finished hotel rooms to warnings about washing your face with the Sochi tap water, @SochiProblems is your home for every epic fail at the 2014 Winter Olympics. Here are just a couple of our favorites so far:

(via Twitter)

Life without Twitter would blow: This Week’s 20 Funniest Tweets