The geniuses behind the politically incorrect card game Cards Against Humanity have announced they are expanding their business model, taking their acerbic and absurd sense of humor and transplanting into the world of fortune cookies. Because why not?
Experiencing great success with their popular and often super-disturbing card game (which asks players to draw on their own twisted minds to come up with the most shocking, hilarious or disgusting word associations), the company Blackbox has launched a product called OK Cookie – a line of brutal fortune cookies you can send to anyone to help ruin their day.
Described on its website as “horrible fortune cookies”, the product comes with 15 random fortune cookies in a box, the twist being instead of getting the usual humdrum predictions or bullshit inspirational quotes, OK Cookies have more humorous, insulting or just plain “horrible fortunes” inside.
With the cookies currently for sale for USD$10 per box of 15 cookies in the US, we managed to take a sneak peek at some of the fortunes by using advanced computer hacking skills, aka refreshing the cookies’ website multiple times.
Touching on everything from climate change to finding love and death, you can have a gander at the fortunes below or head over to OK Cookie’s website to put in your order.