The RickRoll’D Video is No Longer Available on YouTube

Rick Astley was lying. He has deserted you. 

The infamous RickRoll’D video has now been made unavailable in various regions, including the United States. 

Rick Astley’s ’80s hit ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ had become an Internet legend over the years, as it was frequently used by pranksters who would trick people into watching it by posting a link to a seemingly relevant topic, only for the RickRoll’D YouTube video to pop up instead.

But now it seems that RickRolling has come to an end as the video, which had amassed over 70 million views, has now been made unavailable to view in many regions on the site. See for yourself below (and no, we aren’t RickRolling you):

The official video is still available to view on Rick Astley’s Vevo YouTube account, but it’s just not the same. This is truly a sad day for the Internet.

R.I.P. RickRolling. We never wanted to give you up, but you’ve let us down.