Reacher S03E05 Deaths: Who Dies?
Photo Credit: Amazon Prime Video

Reacher S03E05 Deaths: Who Dies?

Reacher Season 3 Episode 5 has come out and fans are eager to learn who dies and whether it is Elliot or Duffy. The Alan Ritchson led-thriller series has not shied away from killing characters as part of the story. However, it has so far managed to keep core cast members like Neagley alive. The new season, based on Lee Child’s novel, Persuader, finds the highly-skilled protagonist on an arduous mission, which involves the infiltration of a criminal enterprise and the rescue of an undercover DEA informant. While on his mission, Reacher encounters violence and other troubles that have a dangerous link to an enemy from his past.

So, here are the details of what happens in Episode 5 and all the deaths explored with spoilers.

All characters who die in Reacher Season 3 Episode 5

The following characters die in Reacher Season 3 Episode 5:


Steven Elliot, the rookie DEA agent is the first casualty of Episode 5. He is keeping watch over Quinn’s bodyguard, John Cooper, who was captured by Duffy and her team. Cooper, craving a cigarette, keeps pestering Elliot for one, who in turn, keeps refusing. While he is badgering Elliot, he secretly uses a knife to free himself, planning to strike when he has an opening.

Elliot is eventually annoyed and decides to hand Cooper a cigarette. As he does so, the bodyguard, who has freed himself, spits alcohol on the naked cigarette flame. This leads to Elliot’s face burning, bringing him to the ground. Cooper then repeatedly stomps on his head, killing him in a cruel manner.

French Maid, AKA Annette

Annette is another casualty in Season 3 Episode 5. She poses as a French housemaid until her true affiliation to the ATF is revealed. As a result, McCabe and his men soon track Annette down via the phone she used to leak the activities of McCabe and his crew. Though Reacher tries to save her under the guise of obtaining more information, Paulie ends up killing her.


John Cooper, Quinn’s bodyguard who killed Steven Elliot, is the third character to die in the episode. He falls into a trap, a staged accident, set up by Reacher in order to prevent him from reaching McCabe. Eventually, Reacher fatally shoots Cooper in the head.

2 Henchmen

Apart from the pivotal characters mentioned above, two of McCabe’s henchmen are also killed by Reacher and Duffy when they arrive at a commercial facility, looking for Angel Doll’s laptop.

Originally reported by Abdul Azim Naushad on